Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Honey forget buying a house...

Buying a house is no picnic. There's all the worrying about mortgages, deposits, and signing over your life for a piece of property. Then once you move in, you realize that you don't have enough furniture, things need fixing, and maybe that dream house isn't so dreamy....

But what if someone said that for the same price you could have a smaller place...where your laundry is done for you, the room is cleaned, and you never have to worry about using too much water or using too much AC. Sounds good?

That's what Mr. and Mrs. David Davidson thought as well. One catch though...they've been living that way at a Travelodge hotel...for 20 YEARS! When you first hear...they sound a bit kooky (not that I should be throwing stones or anything). But when you think about's a nice little setup.

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