Friday, August 24, 2007

Unlock the Power of the iPhone! I admit that I'm no longer one of the tech-savvy. In fact, nobody I know would be considered tech-savvy, because apparently there is an age ceiling of 22. But rather than be bitter, I digress....

In the latest illustration of how teenagers are just too smart for their own good; 17- year old George Hotz of Glen Rock, N.J is the first confirmed individual to unlock his iPhone from the AT&T network. Truly this must be a ground breaking moment.

Now, why someone would want to hack a phone to move from AT&T to T-Mobile is beyond me. (Give up all those roll-over minutes? As if!) However the most interesting lines of the article might be missed if you don't carefully read. (therefore I point them out for you below!)

1) It took Big George 500 HOURS to accomplish this great step for mankind.
2) The kid put the hacked phone on eBay and the latest bidding had the price up over $12,000. (Retail price is $499)

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