Thursday, August 23, 2007

Just Say No to Baggy Pants

In a sure sign that some politicians have waaaay too much time on their hands, an Atlanta city Councilman has suggested a move to making it illegal to wear pants that sag to the point of exposing underwear/thong. Calling sagging pants an "epidemic" and a "major concern", Councilman CT Martin has proposed the amendment to city indecency laws.

Now isn't this why we put our elected officials in office? To play fashion police? Why stop there, perhaps the president should create a national commission on fashion headed by Stacey and Clinton.....maybe not.

Look, I personally understand the comfort of baggy pants to an extent....but when they are falling off your butt, it's not's time to purchase a belt. Having said that, I doubt we need our elected officials wasting time trying to cure this "epidemic". It might be in bad taste, and sure it's origins might be from the jails....but surely there are a couple issues in Atlanta that are a bit more important than this?

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