Monday, August 6, 2007

Questions to ask before you get married

At my age, you've seen quite a few of your friends and acquaintances get married. There is no "best way" to find your significant can be introduced to them by a friend "blindly", meet randomly at the grocery store, or even have your parents set you up. While most of the married couples I know are very happy together, inevitably there are a few that end up struggling from the get go. It gives an outsider a bit of pause to consider...."just how did you two end up together in the first place?". This is even more the case when the couple you see has some glaring issues that would be obvious to anyone else looking in. (such as the machismo old-country man married to the liberal-minded woman who went to Vasser.)

It just makes you wonder..."did they even talk before they decided to tie the knot?" While this might be an issue to pontificate upon ad nauseum....our good friend Oprah "the moral compass for america" Winfrey has come up with an all-inclusive list of "Questions to ask before you get married". Be sure to pack this one with your passport before you head down to the home country on that two week "trip" to scout out the potentials.... And if you're already married, read only if there is a box of kleenex nearby.

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